Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Snow Day Assignment

 Hey everyone! I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon! 

Finance: Please read the text and watch the video in the Ramsey classroom. Complete and submit the VIDEO AND TEXT questions for section 5.1.

Health: Please record everything you eat tomorrow. Write down the amount of calories in each itemo and add up the total. Then, tell me how many calories you should have for your age and gender, and if you went over or under the recommendation. Explain why this was the case. 

Science classes (chemistry, physics, order and design):
Please GO outside and take pictures of items that you can see God as the creator in. For example: the uniqueness of a snowflake. Submit each photo with a paragraph describing how you see God through His creation. 7-8 grades: 2 photos & paragraphs. 9-10 grades: 3 photos & paragraphs. 11-12 grades: 4 photos and paragraphs. Submit by email. 

See you soon! 
Mrs. Stull

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