Friday, February 14, 2025

 Week of February 17-21

No school for students on Monday, February 17th. 

Finance: We will finish chapter 6 then take the quiz and exam. 

Chemistry: We will cover sections 10.2-10.3 and plan for a lab on Friday. Quiz Monday.

Matter and Energy: We will review 9.1-9.2, then cover 9.3. Lab day Friday; quiz Monday and Thursday. 

Order and Design: We will cover 9.3-9.4; quiz 20 Monday, quiz 21 Thursday. Lab day (paper airplanes) Friday. 

Health: We will complete section 6.4 and take quiz 14 on Friday. 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Mrs. Stull

Monday, February 10, 2025

 In the event of a snow day on Wednesday, February 12th: 

 In the event of a snow day on Tuesday, February 11th:

Friday, February 7, 2025

 Week of February 10-14


Finance: Interviews Monday! Dress appropriately! Finish chapter 6; quiz Friday. 

Chemistry: Semester Exam Monday; begin chapter 10; quiz 17 Friday.

Matter and Energy: Semester Exam Monday; begin chapter 9; open-book quiz Thursday.

Order and Design: Semester Exam Monday; begin chapter 7; open-book quiz on Thursday.

Health: Read and discuss section 6.4; quiz 13 Thursday.

Friday, January 31, 2025

 Week of February 3-7

Finance: We will cover sections 6.2-6.6 for the week. Plan to read those sections, watch those videos, and submit questions for each. We will also have some assigned activities. 

Chemistry: We will complete chapter 9 and take quiz 16. Semester exam on Friday.

Matter and Energy: We will complete chapter 8, and take quiz 17. Lab Day Wednesday; Semester Exam Friday.

Order and Design: We will complete chapter 6 and take quizzes 18 & 19. We will work on activities 6A and 6B. Semester Exam Friday. Study Guide

Health: Please read all of 6.3, pages 156-164. Quiz 12 Tuesday. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Possible Snow Day Week of 1/20-24/25

In the event of a non-traditional learning day on Tuesday, January 21st:

Finance: Study for exam
Health: Study for exam
Order and Design: Convert the daily low temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and show all work. 
Matter and Energy: Convert the daily low temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and then to Kelvin, and show all work. 
Chemistry: Convert the daily high and low temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and show all work. 

In the event of a non-traditional learning day on Wednesday, January 22nd, 

Finance: Read 6.1 and watch video
Health: list the actions taken (in order) to care for a choking victim who loses consciousness while                         receiving abdominal thrusts.  
Order and Design: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of both Fahrenheit and Celsius Temperature that shows today's high and low. 
Matter and Energy: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature that shows today's high and low. 
Chemistry: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature that shows today's high and low. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Week of January 20-24

 These are the tentative lesson plans for the week I am on vacation. Please be flexible as things are subject to change. No school Monday in honor of MLK Jr. Day.

Finance: Chapter 5 Quiz Tuesday, Test Wednesday; chapter 6 practice test Thursday; read 6.1 Friday.

Chemistry: Read 9.1 and answer section review questions #1-9 for Tuesday, complete 9.1 and answer "practice" questions #1-2 for Wednesday; read 9.2 and answer section review questions 1-7 for Thursday; quiz 15 and 9.2 "practice" questions 1-7 for Friday.

Physics: Read 8.1 and answer section review questions for Tuesday; quiz 15 and section 8.2 for Wednesday; Complete 8.2 section review questions for Thursday; quiz 16 then finish reading 8.3 on Friday.

Order and Design: Read 6.1 and answer section review questions 1-8 for Tuesday; quiz 16 and read 6.2 then work on activity sheet 6A for Wednesday; complete reading 6.2 and complete section review questions 1-9 on Thursday; quiz 17 Friday, then begin reading 6.3

Health: Test 4 Tuesday; read 6.1 on Thursday and Friday and complete section review questions 1-5 by Friday. Test 4 Study Guide

I will miss you while I'm gone! Please say a prayer of safety for my family and me. 

Mrs. Stull