Friday, January 31, 2025

 Week of February 3-7

Finance: We will cover sections 6.2-6.6 for the week. Plan to read those sections, watch those videos, and submit questions for each. We will also have some assigned activities. 

Chemistry: We will complete chapter 9 and take quiz 16. Semester exam on Friday.

Matter and Energy: We will complete chapter 8, and take quiz 17. Lab Day Wednesday; Semester Exam Friday.

Order and Design: We will complete chapter 6 and take quizzes 18 & 19. We will work on activities 6A and 6B. Semester Exam Friday. Study Guide

Health: Please read all of 6.3, pages 156-164. Quiz 12 Tuesday. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Possible Snow Day Week of 1/20-24/25

In the event of a non-traditional learning day on Tuesday, January 21st:

Finance: Study for exam
Health: Study for exam
Order and Design: Convert the daily low temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and show all work. 
Matter and Energy: Convert the daily low temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and then to Kelvin, and show all work. 
Chemistry: Convert the daily high and low temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and show all work. 

In the event of a non-traditional learning day on Wednesday, January 22nd, 

Finance: Read 6.1 and watch video
Health: list the actions taken (in order) to care for a choking victim who loses consciousness while                         receiving abdominal thrusts.  
Order and Design: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of both Fahrenheit and Celsius Temperature that shows today's high and low. 
Matter and Energy: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature that shows today's high and low. 
Chemistry: Draw a thermometer making comparisons of Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature that shows today's high and low. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Week of January 20-24

 These are the tentative lesson plans for the week I am on vacation. Please be flexible as things are subject to change. No school Monday in honor of MLK Jr. Day.

Finance: Chapter 5 Quiz Tuesday, Test Wednesday; chapter 6 practice test Thursday; read 6.1 Friday.

Chemistry: Read 9.1 and answer section review questions #1-9 for Tuesday, complete 9.1 and answer "practice" questions #1-2 for Wednesday; read 9.2 and answer section review questions 1-7 for Thursday; quiz 15 and 9.2 "practice" questions 1-7 for Friday.

Physics: Read 8.1 and answer section review questions for Tuesday; quiz 15 and section 8.2 for Wednesday; Complete 8.2 section review questions for Thursday; quiz 16 then finish reading 8.3 on Friday.

Order and Design: Read 6.1 and answer section review questions 1-8 for Tuesday; quiz 16 and read 6.2 then work on activity sheet 6A for Wednesday; complete reading 6.2 and complete section review questions 1-9 on Thursday; quiz 17 Friday, then begin reading 6.3

Health: Test 4 Tuesday; read 6.1 on Thursday and Friday and complete section review questions 1-5 by Friday. Test 4 Study Guide

I will miss you while I'm gone! Please say a prayer of safety for my family and me. 

Mrs. Stull

Test Study Guide Links Posted Here

Week of January 13-17

 Homework 1/14/25:

Finance: Please complete the video and text questions for 5.5 by class tomorrow. 

Physics: Quiz 14

Chemistry: Quiz 14, STUDY for exam

Here are the links to Friday's exams:

7th/8th Test 5 Study Guide

9th/10th Test 5 Study Guide

11th/12th Test 5 Study Guide

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Snow Day #3 (Friday, January 10th)

Chemistry: Clink the blue link below to try to answer these fill-in-the-blank questions about the periodic table. Feel free to use the internet if you don't have your book. Email the typed answers or hand in the written answers. Just do the first 32; ignore the rest of the questions. (This will be a lab grade.


Physics and Order and Design (7th-10th grades): Build a paper bridge! Don't stress's very simple and it will count as a lab grade. Complete this STEM activity by using a few household items: 2 cups, a piece of paper, and some pennies. Set the cups 3-5 inches apart, place your paper on top of the cups, and see how many pennies it can hold; no other supplies are allowed. Simply manipulate the paper to get it to hold more coins. (The coins must not be resting on the cups, but the paper only.) EMAIL ME A PICTURE OF YOU WITH YOUR BRIDGE AND THE AMOUNT OF COINS IT HELD! 

Finance: Read section 5.3 and watch the video. Submit answers to both sets of questions in the classroom.

Health: Make something to eat, and write the directions down step by step. (This assignment is about following directions, not copying down a recipe.) Email me a photo of what you made with the information on how I could replicate your creation! It could be as simple as making coffee or a sandwich. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 Snow Day #2 Assignment:

Finance: Please read the text and watch the video for section 5.2. Submit the VIDEO AND TEXT questions in the "classroom." 

Health: Write a "Safety Share" like we did before break. Make it about something that occurred to you or someone you know over the past month. (It needs to be 6 sentences minimum.) Submit by email or in person when we return to school.

All Science Classes: Tell me what the 5 Love Languages are and then discuss what your primary language is. 7-8th: 2 paragraphs; 9-10th: 3 paragraphs; 11-12th: 4 paragraphs. Here's a clue: mine is "acts of service." Email today or hand in when we return. Hand-written or typed is fine. 

Mrs. Stull

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Snow Day Assignment

 Hey everyone! I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon! 

Finance: Please read the text and watch the video in the Ramsey classroom. Complete and submit the VIDEO AND TEXT questions for section 5.1.

Health: Please record everything you eat tomorrow. Write down the amount of calories in each itemo and add up the total. Then, tell me how many calories you should have for your age and gender, and if you went over or under the recommendation. Explain why this was the case. 

Science classes (chemistry, physics, order and design):
Please GO outside and take pictures of items that you can see God as the creator in. For example: the uniqueness of a snowflake. Submit each photo with a paragraph describing how you see God through His creation. 7-8 grades: 2 photos & paragraphs. 9-10 grades: 3 photos & paragraphs. 11-12 grades: 4 photos and paragraphs. Submit by email. 

See you soon! 
Mrs. Stull