Friday, August 23, 2024

 Week of August 26-30

Finance: We will cover sections 1.3-1.5. Plan to watch the videos, read text and complete the text book questions.

Chemistry: Lab 1 Monday, quiz 2 Wednesday, read and practice concepts from 1.4 (p.18) to 2.1 (p.31).

Matter and Energy: Lab 1 Tuesday, quiz 2 Wednesday, read and practice concepts from 1.4 (p.17) to 2.1 (p.28), lab 2 Friday.

Order and Design: Read sections 1.5 and 1.6 for the week. Activity 1A due Wednesday, quiz 2 Wednesday, lab reports from page 26 due Friday.

Health: Read sections 1.2 and 1.3 (pages 13-28). Quiz 2 Friday. 

School is off to a great start! Keep up the good work! I am proud of you! 

Mrs. Stull

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