Thursday, November 21, 2024

 Week of December 2-6

Finance: Chapter 4 exam

Chemistry: Hot chocolate lab (due Friday); cover sections 8.1-8.3

Order and Design: Hot chocolate lab (due Friday); cover section 5.1

Matter and Energy: Hot chocolate lab (due Friday); cover section 7.1

Health: read section 5.2

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Mrs. Stull

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 Non-Traditional Learning Day Assignments:

All science classes: Research three different hot-beverage containers. Select one design and develop a detailed plan including drawings of the design. Describe the size, materials, and method of construction. This will be part of your lab report and will be due on Monday, December 2nd. (Supply options: aluminum foil, bubble wrap, cardboard, cotton balls, duct tape, large foam cups, paper towels.) The goal is to keep boiling hot chocolate as hot as possible when placed into the freezer! 

Finance: Submit chapter 4 quiz ("chapter review" in "summary" tab.) to the Ramsey Classroom.

Health: Research the treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. Compare and contrast RICE and MEAT. Site at least two references and have a minimum of 4 paragraphs. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

 Week of November 18-22

Friday, November 22 is a non-traditional learning day. 

Finance: Chapter 4 quiz Monday, exam 4 Wednesday. 

Chemistry: Quiz 13 Tuesday; begin chapter 8. 

Matter and Energy: Test 4 Tuesday; complete hot chocolate lab.

Order and Design: Test 4 Wednesday.

Health: Quiz 10 Thursday.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Stull

Thursday, November 7, 2024

 Week of November 11-15

There is no school on Monday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day. If you honor a Veteran on Monday and tell me about it on an index card by the beginning of class Tuesday, I will give you bonus in Science class!  

Finance: Mrs. Cole will be speaking on Tuesday and Wednesday about scholarships. We will cover sections 4.5 and 4.6 on Thursday and Friday. 

Chemistry: We will begin chapter 7. Please read sections 7.1-7.2. We will take a quiz on Thursday. 7.1 section review questions #'s 1-7 due Wednesday. Quiz 12 Friday.

Matter and Energy: We will finish chapter 6 and review for the upcoming exam. Please read section 6.4. Quiz 12 Friday.

Test 4 Study Guide (M&E)

Order and Design: We will finish chapter 4; please read sections 4.6-4.7. 4B Due Wednesday.

 Test 4 Study Guide 

Health: We will begin chapter 5 and plan for quiz 9 on Friday.                  

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Stull                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Friday, November 1, 2024

 Week of November 4-8

Finance: Please read sections 4.2-4.5 for the week. Complete assigned activities. 

Chemistry: Quiz 11 Monday; complete chapter 6; Test 4 Friday. Section review 6.5 questions 1-7, 10 (page 130) due Tuesday

Order and Design: Quiz 11 Monday; cover sections 4.3-4.5; complete activity sheets 4A and 4B.

Matter and Energy: Quiz 10 Monday; cover sections 6.1-6.2; quiz 11 Friday.

Health: Quiz 8 Monday; Review for the week; Test 3 Friday.

Test 3 Study Guide

Have a great weekend! Don't forget to "fall forward!"

Mrs. Stull